
ANIMA™ is a performative experimental setting that utilizes the tools of artificial intelligence in order to question the human constructivist perception and the formation of identity. ANIMA™ is a fictional spiritual institution where performers engage in intoxicating interactions with variations of themselves.

Alexander Schubert artistic direction, composition
Patricia Carolin Mai choreography
Alexander Giesche outside eye
Lucas Gutierrez video
Stefan Britze set design
Felina Levits costumes
Diego Muhr lighting
Thomas Goepfer, Dionysios Papanicolaou IRCAM electronics
Luca Bagnoli sound diffusion
Antoine Caillon, Philippe Esling IRCAM-STMS scientific collaboration (Musical Representations team – ACIDS)
Guy Marsan, So-Ying Fung actors
Decoder Ensemble
Leopold Hurt, Andrej Koroliov, Carola Schaal, Sonja Lena Schmid, Jonathan Shapiro

Text Assistance: Michael Brailey
Choreographish Assistance: Lise Herdam, Ines Assoual
Production Mangament: Elisabeth Brunmayr
Production Assistance: Mirella Frenzel
Technical Coordination: Dennis Nähr

A Decoder Ensemble production, Co-produced by IRCAM- Centre Pompidou

With generous support from the  Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien as well as Elbkulturfonds der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg, Impuls neue Musik, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, LICHTHOF Stiftung, Goethe Institut Paris, avec le soutien du réseau ULYSSES.

In cooperation with the LICHTHOF Theater as well as the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg and Kampnagel Hamburg

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